Beginners Guide to SEO
15 February

We know that learning the ins and outs of SEO jargon can feel like learning another language, in this blog we will give a breakdown of all the key terms

1. The Essentials

Algorithms A process or formula which retrieves relevant stored information ordered in meaningful ways.

Back Links Or "inbound links" are links from other websites that point to your website.

Bounce Rate The percentage of visitors your website (any page) and leave without clicking on anything else. You should be aiming for a low bounce rate, as high bounce rates generally means you haven't engaged the user enough to delve further into your website.

Bots these scour through all pages on the internet storing content and recalling when users search. Also go by the names of crawlers and spiders.

Caching When content (website or even just images) is cached, it is saved locally and wont reload from the server again until told to do so.

Clicks When a potential customer clicks on one of your adverts - e.g. this can be from a facebook advert clicked to order now, google adverts or email marketing campaigns.

ConversionsThis is generally the successful completion of target actions, this can be adding a booking, adding items to their basket, checking out or registering for your newsletter.

Cookie are text file that store bitesize chunks of information, that comes from a website and is stored by the web browser on a users computer. e.g. username for a website is stored as a cookie in google chrome on your pc.

CPA - cost per actionThis is the average cost per each user that visits your website and completes an action such as adding a booking, adding items to their basket, checking out or registering for your newsletter.

CPC - cost per click In short this is how much it costs for each user that clicks through to your website from one the many forms of paid advertisement e.g. Google and Facebook ads

CTA Call to Action - These are invitations for the user to take actions, generally in the form of buttons or links - e.g. "Order Now", "Contact Us" Buttons

CTR Click Through Ratae - This is calculated as the number of times your advert or email link was clicked divided by the number of impressions (times it has been seen)

Engagement This is when your content receives interatcion - such as likes, comments and shares

Impressions This is the number of times your advert or app has been displayed to users - this does not take into account clicks

Keywords These are the most popular words/terms that potential customers will type into the search engine to find businesses like yours. Establishing the most effective keywords can be a huge benefit creating more relevant traffic to your website who are looking for what you are offering.

KPI Key Performance Indicator - This is configured to determine an activitys success

PPC Pay per Click - This is where you are billed based on the the number of clicks your ad receives. Certain keywords can cost more in this model.

ROI Return on Investment - This is calculated as the sales generated from a marketing activity divided by the cost of the campaign.

Ranking How well your site is performing in the order of results for your specified relevant query.

Search Engine These are information retrieval programmes that search for the most relevant items in a database that match the request input by the user. Examples: Google, Bing, and Yahoo..

SEO - Search Engine Optimisation This is the process of improving the quality of your site and overall online presence so you rank higher in Search Engine results and in turn increase traffic to your website.

SMO - Social Media Optimisation This is all about managing and growing your brand on social media networks to strengthen your overall online presence. Whether this is as an introduction to your brand, building customer relationships and increasing awareness of new products/services/news/promotions.

SERP This is the search engine results page that is displayed after a user has input the search term the are looking for.

Traffic Visits to your website.

URL Uniform Resource Locators are the locations or addresses for individual pieces of content on the web.